Keyword Selection

The subject of keywords can be broken into two categories: keyword selection and keyword density.

Keyword selection refers to the choice of particular keyword phrases as the focus for the information on individual web pages. To review this process, please visit our website design page.

Keyword Resources

Keyword Map

Keyword Discovery


Keyword Country

Yahoo Search (formerly Overture)

Google Sandbox

Keyword Heaven

Keyword Elite

AdWord Analyzer


Keyword Usage

The process of keyword usage is another subject, and formally falls into the subject area of website optimization and keyword density.

What is needed here is careful design of each page on your website, where the proper keywords are selected and placed where the search engine spiders of each of the search engines will best find them.

Some programs, such as SiteBuildIt from SiteSell will automate this process for you.

If you want to do it yourself, here are a few resources to help you.

  •;This utility gives you a first glimpse into the density of your selected keywords on any pages you may wish to review.
  • Why is this important? Because keyword use and placement is critical to satisfying the search engines and obtaining a good ranking. Keyword selection is not enough.

  • Another resource to consider is IBP from Axandra This program (IBP) has three modules. The middle one is all about keyword density. If you want a comprehensive report of your selected keywords, it doesn't get much better than this!
  • has a very nice keyword selection and density analyzer for website optimization. What I like about this program is the that you can select and study the density of keywords for each particular search engine.
  • So, if your goal were to raise your ranking with Google, for example, you get a report about keyword selection and density for that particular search engine. Very useful.

  • Finally, I would like to recommend Search Engine Optimizer from Planet Ocean Communications This program may be more for the professional webmaster, but I like it because it displays the actual code that needs to be changed. And, it give very specific suggestions for keyword selection and usage. Hard to argue with that!

As time permits, we will provide more information and articles about keyword selection and density. For now, please explore our NetLocal website. There are many other resources and links that will help you achieve optimal page rank and local Internet marketing success.


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